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Am I experiencing menopause or perimenopause symptoms?

Apr 28, 20206 min leer
Although most people are familiar with the time of menopause, most women aren’t aware that there are actually multiple stages within menopause that come before the actual moment. As we’ve discussed before, menopause hits once you have officially stopped menstruating. This is when your ovaries will stop producing estrogen and other hormones which leads to [...]

How long do menopause mood swings last?

Apr 9, 20207 min leer
As you know menopause is a really significant time of change in every woman's life. These changes may be different for each woman, symptoms may not all be alike and even developing a mood disorder may come along for some women. Menopause emotions can be hard to control and might be a difficult time to [...]

How to Stop Hot Flashes During Menopause

Apr 3, 20207 min leer
When you begin menopause all of these unwanted symptoms start to attack. From hot flashes to mood swings to insomnia, the list goes on. No woman wants to deal with these symptoms for long or at all if possible. The number one symptom that women experience in their beginning, middle and end of menopause years [...]

Cómo equilibrar las hormonas de forma natural

1 de abril de 20209 min leer

Como mujeres, cualquier pequeño cambio en nuestro cuerpo puede alterar nuestras hormonas y afectarnos de maneras que desconocíamos. Equilibrar las hormonas no tiene por qué ser difícil, pero requiere tiempo y paciencia. Hay una...

Is menopause weight gain normal?

Mar 26, 20207 min leer

Menopause weight gain is one of the most common side effects that women experience during this time. Although when it comes to menopause and weight gain, there are many factors to consider such as age, lifestyle, eating habits, genetics, diet…

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