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First of all ladies, your small boobs are beautiful and so are you!

But if you’re reading this, you know there are problems only flat chested girls would understand.

Let’s get something straight—sure we’d all love to have bigger boobs (that’s why you’re here, right?), but that doesn’t make smaller boobs any less fun!

flat chested girl

Let’s take a little trip into the world of women with small boobs and learn how to make the flat-chest beautiful!

How to Deal with Being a Flat Chested Girl?

Unfortunately, as a woman your boobs are one of the first things that gets noticed about you. They get both attention and admiration.

Years of evolution has programmed society into thinking all boobs should be big. But, that’s simply not the case!

More unfortunately, women who are not blessed with bigger boobs can feel inadequate, shamed, unprovocative, not attractive.

But who cares about all that—because there are certain advantages that come along with having petite boobs and we’ll get to those later.

For now, let’s focus on embracing those small breasts and things you can do to improve your mentality about having them.

women with small boobs

The most important thing you can do is to adapt your mentality. Don’t focus on how disappointed you may feel in your bust size, instead focus on the good!

You can go braless! Many clothes look fantastic on you, and let’s face it—in ten or 20 years, your small boobs will be perkier than your larger breasted friends who have started to sag!

Next—start standing up straight! This will not only increase the size of your breasts naturally, it will also make you look ten pounds slimmer!

Choose the right clothes and bra goes a long way for increasing your boob size. Small V-necks, asymmetrical necklines, shirts with breast pockets all go a long way to making your boobs look larger. And don’t forget about the bra (even though you might just want to go braless—because you can!)

Problems Only Women with Small Breasts Would Understand

Even while you’re out there rocking that backless, sexy dress, there are problem you encounter that only women with small boobs would understand (padded bathing suits anyone?).

Let’s start with fashion!

Push-Up Bras Don’t Provide Magic Clevage

There’s always that one bra that promises to deliver two sizes to your bust size. But doesn’t it feel like sometimes they’re neglecting women with small breasts? Don’t waste your time—for women with tiny boobs, push-up bras can sometimes look unnatural. Instead, go with lacy bralettes with just a little padding.

Nightmare Bikini Shopping

Some bikini tops have that annoying habit of making you look like you have absolutely no boobs at all. You stare into that fitting room mirror wondering why these designers have decided to treat you so wrong.

The kicker here is that if you have a booty to go along with your small boobs, you usually have to buy your tops and bottoms separately!

Strapless Dress Paranoia

This one’s pretty self-explanatory, but if your of that age where all your friends are getting married, you’re crossing your fingers hoping the bride doesn’t choose strapless bridesmaids dresses! The cinch tops simply have nothing to cinch to!

Chicken Filet Cutlet Inserts

*Sigh.* Let’s not go here.

Bandeau Top Slide

people with a cups

If you don’t have small boobs, you might wonder why this made the list. In theory a bandeau top should work. Nope, the top requires some curves for the strapless bra to work. You’ll be pulling the top up all night—very annoying!

Other Problems for Women With Small Boobs

  1. Please, God, let this chocolate cake go straight to my boobs and not my thighs.
  2. When you lie down, your boobs all but disappear.
  3. Sports bras make you look like you have pectorals.
  4. Some sexual endeavors can never happen
  5. Fearing that “freshman 15”
  6. No Cleavage

Outfits Flat-Chested Women Rock Better

Never fear! There’s always the other side of the coin! Here are some outfits that you can wear with confidence.

Going Braless

We’ve been over this already, but it deserves another mention. You can go braless! Get over the fear of public shame and realize that you can pull it off. You’ll even feel subtle and sexy (don’t dress to please men, though!). I mean, check out Kendall Jenner:

kendall jenner

Crop Tops!

You already know this, but small chested women simply rock crop tops! They are simply the most comfy shirts on the planet. Plus, you can pair them with nearly everything!

High Neck

Anything with a high-neckline accentuates the size of your breasts because they trick the eye into thinking there’s more there. They typically cinch the waist pull the eyes up, pointing out each and every curve to the max.


Go ahead, show your skin, wear those backless dresses—no bra needed!

Wear Stripes?

Yes! Horizontal stripes are the queen of making your small boobs look bigger in an instant. Just remember to never wear horizontally striped bottoms! (Tip: off-the-shoulder striped tops will draw attention to your neckline while accentuating your chest!)

How to Get Bigger Boobs Naturally

Of course, many small-chested women would love nothing more than to increase their breast size.

The thought of breast enlargement surgery can be a frightening thing, what with scars and lopsidedness to worry about.

That’s why Bust Bunny only uses the most natural of ingredients which increase your bust size naturally.  Use coupon code “flatchest” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied.  

With Bust Bunny you can have all the perks of being a woman who has gone through the struggles of having small boobs, with the added confidence of finally getting the breast size you’ve always wanted.

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