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We’re not here to scare anyone, we’re just here to deliver the information people want when making a big decision.

Some might be here while researching whether or not breast augmentation surgery is right for them. Others might be here to find out the details on removing their implants. And others might be here to find a healthy and natural alternative to breast enhancement surgery.

Of course we think the best way to grow your breasts is through a healthy lifestyle which includes Bust Bunny natural breast enlargement pills, but that’s not the focus of this article.

implant removal

The focus will be to educate the women who seek it. Now let’s begin by discussing why some women might choose to remove their breast implants.

Problems with Breast Implants

There are problems with breast implants that may be obvious, like offset implants, leakage, etc. But there have been some cases which are more serious. These include lesser problems, like poisoning, to the much more serious, like breast cancer.

Raylene Hollrah, the subject in the linked article, had this to say when faced with the reality that her breast implants caused cancer:

“My whole world came crumbling down again,” said Hollrah, now 43, who owns an insurance agency in Hermann, Mo. “I had spent the past six years going to the oncologist every three months trying to keep cancer away, and here was something I had put in my body to try to help me feel more like a woman, and it gave me cancer. I thought, ‘I’m not going to see my kids grow up.’ “

Raylene was diagnosed with “breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma,” and it is a rare case of breast cancer which is directly linked to breast augmentation surgery (rare in that only small portion of the over 10 million women worldwide with breast implants have been diagnosed).

breast implants problems

The cancer is caused by the constant inflammation of breast tissues caused by a rough-skinned implant.

Of course, the first thing to do is to remove the implant, and that process is detailed more in-depth below.


Another risk is leakage and that can occur whether or not you chose silicone or saline implants. There’s always the risk your implants will leak.

With saline implants, the leaking is not so serious other than your breasts will appear lopsided.

With silicone implants, the leakage will have to be fixed with another surgery, which is not something most women choose to have.

Some women are affected by scar tissues that form around the implants. This is called capsular contracture and it shifts your implants into unnatural looking positions. The fix is, again, another surgery.


Then there are the other problems which are more psychological than not. This could be due to regret, disappointment, and even fluctuations in weight caused by your body’s reaction to surgery / foreign objects.

What You Should Know about Breast Implant Removal

With the risks of breast augmentation surgery covered, let’s move on to what’s involved in the breast implant removal surgery.

The safety of the procedure is the same as the implant surgery itself, which is good. Luckily also, there is little problems that arise with the removal surgery other than a little bleeding, tenderness, and infections which are all common with any type of major surgery. Another plus is that most surgeons attempt to use the same scar, so more scarring is typically not normal.

All in all, breast implant removal surgery is more of an annoyance than a problem. In fact, there are several high-profile women who have had the surgery performed and still look great!

Celebrity Breast Augmentation before and After

Crystal Hefner had her implants removed citing they were “slowing poisoning” her.


Jenna Jameson had her implants removed after she retired from the adult performing industry. She was quoted, “hen I had implants, I felt uncomfortable. I would be shy at the beach. I know it sounds funny, but I’d wear high-necked clothes — unless I was at an adult-film convention. So I thought, Why don’t I be who I am and get my real ones back?”

breast implants problems

Sharon Osbourne’s breast implants were leaking. After her surgery she said, “”This is all me, no implants. I don’t feel like I have a waterbed laying on my chest anymore.”

risks of breast augmentation

Breast Implant Removal without Replacement

Remember that there still is a way to get the breasts you’ve always wanted without the stress and risks of surgery.

You can spend a few minutes each day doing yoga or performing massages on your breasts.

Your diet and lifestyle also have more of an impact on your breasts than you might think.

And if you’re here after being disappointed by your former breast augmentation surgery, remember that natural, breast enhancing supplements, like Bust Bunny, will still make your breasts look healthier and larger regardless of whether or not you’ve had surgery.

If you’re on the fence and doing your proper research on breast implant surgery, we highly suggest you give Bust Bunny a try beforehand! You’ll get the results you’ve always wanted without the cost, risks, and stress of surgery!* There’s nothing to lose—make your first order today for 10% off! Use coupon code “nomoreimplants” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied.  

Hopefully, we’ve helped to ease any stress you may be experiencing regarding breast implant surgery. As always we’re here to help. Leave a comment to get a discussion going or give us a call if you ever need any help.

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