
How to Enlarge Male Breasts Without Implants

9 min read
You’re not alone if you want to enlarge your breasts naturally without resorting to implants. Many men are now seeking simple, non-invasive ways to enhance their chests and appearance. This, in part, is fueled by the increased awareness of the risks associated with breast implants and, contrastingly, the benefits that come with natural solutions to

Cramps After Period: 7 Common Causes and Remedies

10 min read
Abdominal cramps that occur before or during menstruation are common, but it’s also possible to have cramps after your period. Cramps that occur just before and during the period are called primary dysmenorrhea. The uterus causes them as it contracts to shed its lining, and they typically last between 48 and 72 hours. On the

Breast Enhancement Pills: 3 Common Questions Answered

10 min read
You’ve heard happy testimonials from friends and strangers who’ve used breast enhancement pills to successfully increase their breast size. You want to jump on the bandwagon and get yourself the first bottle of Breast Enhancement supplements, but you still have some doubts. Do they really work? Which one should you choose from the hundreds of

Breast Size Chart: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Measure Bra Size

7 min read
Many women have lots of bras in their closets but often find themselves wearing the same two bras over and over again. The main reason for this kind of repetition is the comfort offered by the bra and how it completes the look with most outfits. Whether you wear your bra often or only prefer

How to Stop Hot Flashes Fast: 4 Tips From Women

9 min read
Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause (the period before menopause) and menopause in women. Though we can’t avoid hot flashes, we can stay away from triggers that may increase their severity and frequency. These triggers include: Because of their severity, most women would agree that once a hot flash begins,

5 Easy Tips on How to Get Bigger Breasts Naturally

9 min read
For women, breasts are a sentimental part of their bodies and serve more than their biological function of producing milk for infants. They’re a strong symbol of femininity and play a critical role in sexual attraction. But did you know that your breast size changes almost 6 times in a lifetime? This change normally results

4 Tried and Tested Natural Remedies to Ease PMS Symptoms

8 min read
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a group of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms that many women experience in the days leading up to their periods. The key symptoms of PMS include: Anxiety Depression Mood swings Bloating Headache Breast tenderness Changes in sex drive and appetite While the symptoms vary from woman to woman, they can be

Premenstrual Mood Swings: How to Manage and Ease the Symptoms Naturally

8 min read
Premenstrual mood swings is among the most distressing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. Many women experience unexplained mood changes in the seven to ten days leading up to the start of their period. They are a result of a sudden dip in hormones before and during the first few days of your period. PMS mood swings

Menopause: What Happens and How to Best Manage the Symptoms

9 min read
Menopause marks the end of your fertile and reproductive years. It’s the point at which you stop receiving your period for at least 12 consecutive months. It typically occurs in your late 40s or early 50s when your ovaries stop producing the hormones that control ovulation and menstruation, namely, estrogen and progesterone. Although menopause is

Perimenopause: 5 Symptoms, Signs and Natural Remedies  

10 min read
Perimenopause, or menopausal transition, refers to the time period leading up to menopause. It’s when your body naturally transitions into menopause, which marks the end of your reproductive years. During perimenopause, you’re likely to experience various psychological, physical, and social changes. For instance, in early perimenopause, you’re likely to experience high estrogen-associated symptoms, such as:

Menopause Symptoms: 3 Stages, Symptoms, and Natural Aids

8 min read
At around their late 40s and early 50s, many women start experiencing hormonal changes that lead to menopause. These changes are often accompanied by unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms such as: While menopause can negatively affect your physical and mental health, most women go through it without understanding what’s going on. Even worse, most women don’t

Night Sweats: 4 Super Simple Remedies for Your Sweaty Symptoms

8 min read
Night sweats are a common symptom for women in premenopausal, menopause, and post-menopausal stages. They’re characterized by extreme sweating during the night and often disrupt sleep. Heavy night sweats can be uncomfortable and often call for frequent changes of clothes or bedding. 75% of women report night sweats during menopause, which are accompanied by symptoms

How to Safely Manage Your Hormonal Imbalance Naturally

8 min read
Hormones are the natural chemical messengers which coordinate bodily functions by relaying messages between different organs and tissues. They’re responsible for maintaining physiological balance by telling your organs what to do and when to do it. However, sometimes there’s too much or too little of particular hormones, which causes a condition known as hormonal imbalance.

How to Get Firm Breasts Naturally

7 min read
Do you want larger, perkier breasts without getting an invasive procedure? Learn how you can get firm breasts using a natural and safe method.

When Do Boobs Stop Growing

8 min read
Did you know boobs continue growing after puberty? It turns out that boobs continue to grow in size even in your 20s and 30s. Learn how and why.

Are My Pre-Period Symptoms Normal

8 min read
You’re probably asking yourself, “Why do my boobs hurt before my period?” Between ovulation and your period, reproductive hormone levels change. This causes a variety of symptoms known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Breast pain and tenderness are among the symptoms of PMS and can range from barely noticeable to severe. Other symptoms include irritability, fatigue,

5 MTF Transition Myths Debunked

9 min read
Despite the world moving closer towards allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community, there’s still significant misunderstanding that makes it difficult for people to be true allies.  Most of these misunderstandings are propagated as myths and misconceptions driven by societal, ethical, and religious norms and expectations. Debunking these myths is necessary to protect everyone who’s part of the LGBTQIA+

5 MTF Transition Stories to Inspire You

9 min read
Transitioning is challenging, but it’s also exhilarating. Read five MTF transition stories to inspire, encourage, and teach you valuable lessons.

4 Comforts to Help You Through MTF Transition Post-surgery

8 min read
The MTF transition post-op period can be gruesome. Find out what comforts you need to help you get through this time.

The 4 Best MTF Transition Services in the USA

10 min read
Curious about the MTF transition services available in the USA? Discover four of the best services and a natural alternative to these services.

4 Questions Answered About MTF Breast Transition

10 min read
The path to acquiring a female body can be complex. It can be difficult to find reassurance that your body will function normally after your transition. If you identify as MTF, or male to female, feminizing your chest can be an important first step. Some MTF folks are happy to use clothing to create this

How to Naturally Enhance Your Boobs After Explant Surgery

11 min read
Breast implants are often used to enhance the appearance of breasts. There are times when breast implants need to be removed for various reasons. For example, if you experience an implant infection or the implant ruptures, you’ll have to undergo a breast explant. After an explant operation, your natural breasts may not look like they

4 Signs That You May Need a Breast Explant

11 min read
Breast augmentation is a common operation among women. It involves placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles to increase breast size. You may want to undergo breast augmentation as a way to feel more confident or to rebuild your breasts from various conditions. As a body operation procedure, breast augmentation comes with various

How Your MTF Transition Changes Your Body Step-by-Step

9 min read
Congratulations on your decision to take one of the biggest steps in your MTF transition—changing your body. You probably have a million questions: “What will be the first change?” “How much will I change?” “Will all my masculine features disappear?” We have the answers. We’ll guide you through the changes that you’ll experience, precautions you

How to Naturally Enhance Your Chest Through an MTF Transition

9 min read
Many transgender individuals transitioning from male to female desire bigger breasts—it can help with gender dysphoria, making you feel more comfortable with your body. That said, breast development is one of the most time-consuming and frustrating aspects of the male-to-female transition. And if you don’t want to go under the knife, but instead naturally enhance