What Happens to Breasts During Pregnancy?
It’s nothing too complicated, although for such a simple process it certainly makes a lot of changes. Your body increases all sorts of hormone processes after conception (mainly estrogen) and these hormones increase the blood flow causing changes in the breast tissue. This may leave your breasts to feel tender, swollen, sore, tingly, etc., so much so that some women claim the experience to be somewhat painful. Which is probably a good thing because this tenderness of the breasts is one of the earliest signs of being pregnant. (Note: if you’re feeling this sensation in your breasts and you’re on a natural breast enhancement program, like Bust Bunny, please consult your doctor. These symptoms are typically not associated with these types of products.) Your breasts change so drastically during pregnancy because your body is preparing itself to feed and nurture your baby. But what are those changes?Ways Your Breasts Change During Pregnancy

Easing Pregnancy-Breast Discomfort
One of the easiest things you can do to alleviate breast pain discomfort brought on by pregnancy is to find yourself a few supportive bras that have been fitted by a knowledgeable person. Underwire bras, you’ll notice, will seem more uncomfortable (and they’re not the best for breastfeeding mothers). Cotton bras will feel more comfortable and allow your breasts to breathe better than those made from other materials.
How to Keep Your Breasts Healthy During Pregnancy
We’ve talked previously on how your breasts are forever changed after pregnancy. Therefore, it’s important to try and mitigate these changes during pregnancy and not afterwards. Eating Healthy Your diet is, as it always is, paramount in not only keeping your body healthy, but your breasts as well. Avoid red meats and grain alcohols and instead go for leaner meats and wine. Stay away from greasy, fatty foods as well. Your breasts are going to grow enough as it is without fatty foods adding to the growth. Take your vitamins as well, a women’s daily vitamin is a great way to ensure your body has all it needs to deliver a healthy baby and maintain healthy breasts while doing so. Bust Bunny breast pills have active ingredients inside to promote healthy breasts for pregnant women. Use coupon code “pregnancychanges” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied. As always, consult your doctor before starting a new vitamin regimen during pregnancy. Exercise During the early stages of pregnancy, exercise is a fantastic way to rid your body of any toxins still lingering from your pre-pregnancy body.