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Almost all women desire perky, well-shaped boobs as they consider their bosoms to be one of their most valuable assets. You may have firm, sexy breasts at a young age, and now, with aging, those bosoms have started dropping. With the declining beauty of your breasts, you feel insecure and start to lose your confidence. You try out various bras to get a desirable look, but nothing gives you what you want.


With that said, we’d like to present you with some natural solutions for lifting those ugly-looking, saggy breasts. However, we need to discover the major factors behind this sagginess.

  • Aging – As you know, this process can never be stopped, and after forty, your breast tissues will get loosened naturally.
  • Breastfeeding – Moms need to breastfeed their little babies. However, milk production results in drooping boobs.
  • Menopause – The tissues on your chest can shrink after menopause. This is why we recommend taking an all natural breast supplement to help regulate your hormones after menopause. Use coupon code “fixsagging” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied.
  • Low nutrition  – Add more nutrients to your body to avoid breast slackness
  • Wrong bra – While you put on bras that do not fit you, it may affect boobs.
  • Disease – Tuberculosis, and cancers are the causes of breasts’ droopiness.
  • Smoking – Nicotine consumption adversely affects the breasts

Olive Oil- The Best Massage Oil to Tighten Breasts

This is an effective oil (with high nutritional values, aside!), and it helps to nourish your skin in various ways, but especially as a massaging agent.

Olive oil gets into the deeper skin layer to add moisture and soften your skin. That’s because fatty acids in this oil prevent your skin from becoming too dry.

Now, let’s see how the oil is helpful in treating your saggy breasts. As the tissues of your boobs become dry, they start to lose their shape. Combine the fatty acids of olive oil gets combined with anti-oxidants produced naturally by you, you can get back your elastic skin.

You can massage your breasts every day using olive oil. Here’s how:

Pour some olive oil and start rubbing your two palms to produce heat. Then, massage the breasts with your palms, moving in an upward direction. Do this for ten minutes to increase blood circulation. You can also add Rosemary oil to have even better results!

Cucumber and Egg Yolk Mask to Lift Your Breasts

Create a mask with these two ingredients, and tighten your skin in the simplest way. Cucumbers have the power to tone up your skin, while egg yolks contain crucial vitamins and proteins to do the same.

To make the paste, follow the instructions in this video or read the instructions below:

  • Use your blender to puree the cucumber
  • Then add cream or butter and egg yolk
  • Apply this paste onto the breasts
  • After thirty minutes, wash off thoroughly

Do this at minimum once a week.

Additionally, egg whites also work well to treat sagging breasts. It contains hydro-lipids and astringent to lift the saggy boobs. With honey, egg white and yogurt, you can create your mask. Apply and use the same as the cucumber mask.

Get a Cool Treatment with Ice

It is easy to find ice in your household, but did you know that ice can help lift your breasts?. Apply ice to your breasts and tt will enable your tissues to contract as the low temperature makes your boobs much firmer. Rub the ice blocks on the breasts in a circular motion, and then, dry them.

ice breasts

After doing this massage, you need to put on a well-fitting bra. Do this three times every day.

Use Fenugreek to Get Back Your Lovely Breasts

Fenugreek seeds have already gained significant value in the field of Ayurveda, and now, it’s the right time to try out these seeds for your sagging breasts.

Just as olive oil, these seeds have antioxidants and vitamins for lifting your boobs. You can buy fenugreek in powder form, and simply mix this powder (1/4 cup) with water so that you can make a paste. Use the paste and massage your breasts and then leave for five to ten minutes. Wash off with hot water. To get the best results, do this once or twice a week.

Remember, you can add egg whites and yogurt to the paste for added results.

A Healthy Woman Has Healthy Breasts, Better Exercise!

We think that it’s the best way of treating the sagging breasts. Add exercises to your everyday routine and get the desired outcome from it. However, it is essential to choose workouts which target your chest muscles and tissues. Here are some tips:

Take dumbbells, and pull them towards your breasts, and then push them back. Dumbbell fly and push-ups are other forms of workouts that you may do for making the breasts firmer.

exercise for healthy breasts

Remember that common exercises, like jogging and running can cause your breast to become saggier. That is why you should speak to a fitness trainer to perform the right workouts.

However, the experts have said that swimming helps you to have a positive effect on the boobs. Swim in a pool for thirty minutes every day, and it will not only be fun but also help your breasts’ look.

So, try out these simple solutions to keep up the best shape of your boobs. We know that you have already bought branded lotions and creams for toning up your boobs. However, never get frustrated while those products do not give you the results. You may better rely on the natural ways that can cause no risk to your boobs or skin.

And be sure to try products like Bust Bunny which has natural ingredients, like Fenugreek, specifically targeted to help your breasts stay lifted and firm! Our gift to you is this coupon code “fixsagging” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied.

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