When do women start menopause?
Typically menopause will begin once a woman stops having her monthly periods. you’ll notice that your period becomes irregular. One month 15 days the next 45 days in between period. In most cases, menopause will begin around 51 years old and can start as early as your 30’s. The latest a woman will generally start menopause could be in her 60’s. If you’re wondering “what age does early menopause start” this would be considered any time before 45 years of age. Since this is such a large range of predicting when menopause will begin, a more accurate time frame is usually whenever your mother began menopause.
What are the signs and symptoms of menopause?
The symptoms of menopause are far from few making it difficult to distinguish whether it is actually menopause that you are experiencing since the symptoms can be similar to your cycle. Here are the common signs of menopause:- Acne
- Changes in Skin
- Fatigue
- Hot Flashes
- Irritability
- Memory Problems
- Mood Changes
- Night Sweats
- Insomnia
- Excessive Stress
- Sweating
- Vaginal Itching
- Weight Gain
How long does menopause last and when does menopause end?

When is menopause over and how will you know?

What happens after menopause?
After menopause, you will go back to your normal routine and in fact, you will feel better than before. Now that your cycle is over you will have more energy and your focus ability will increase. Although your body will have to put in a lot of work to get your hormones back on track after a large amount of stress your body has been under, it is not impossible. Just as mentioned before, having a healthy lifestyle will make the process smoother and less stressful for your body’s recovery. So if you’re wondering “how long do post menopause symptoms last” this can be very dependant on the way your lifestyle is. This is a very important time to throw out bad habits in order to avoid delaying your symptoms.Are there any remedies to ease menopausal effects?