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The challenges, daily struggles, little victories, and gender euphoria—every transition story is unique. You can’t mimic anybody else, but there’s immense value to be gained from learning about other people’s experiences as you’re going through your own.

For that reason, we’re taking some time today to share inspiring stories and messages from trans women in our community.

cheerful transitioning from male to female

At Bust Bunny, we pride ourselves on being an indispensable resource for MTF folks. Our Bust Bunny Breast Enhancement supplement has helped many, but we don’t offer assistance in product form only.

We also share relevant educational resources, using knowledge to lead towards a better body image for all.

With that in mind, we’ll let five anonymous contributors take over. They’ll speak about:

  • Going through puberty as a trans kid
  • Family relationships and how they can strain
  • The challenges of coming out
  • Moments of absolute self-love
  • Moments when self-love is more challenging

Join us as we share their experiences and the lessons they learned during their MTF transition process.

1 – The Value of Right Puberty

Many people don’t learn about MTF transition until they reach adulthood, but growing awareness and acceptance are changing that narrative. More teens have the chance to avoid the negative mental effects of developing sex characteristics that don’t match their gender identity.

That’s what our correspondent is grateful for. She remembers reading about growing body hair, having your voice deepen, and getting erections.

She also recalls the relief she felt when that didn’t happen to her. Instead, she received hormone blockers at an early age and then went on estrogen. When puberty finally hit, she didn’t even mind the awkwardness because it felt fitting.

If she were to share one thing, it’s that kids should go on hormone blockers if they exhibit clear signs of being transgender. They mean the world to a scared child whose body is about to change— and not in a way that feels right.

2 – Your Mother, Your Best Teacher

mother and son wearing black clothes

There’s something special about a woman teaching femininity to another woman. One narrator recollects the bliss she found in connecting with her mother in this new, authentic way.

Their relationship wasn’t excellent when she was a teen. Not understanding what was happening to her body, she experienced a lot of shame and anger, which was often directed at her parents. They didn’t get it, either, wanting their son to be just like everybody else.

Our narrator then saw a therapist. She soon started transitioning, and her parents were surprisingly supportive. She remembers her mother teaching her how to put on makeup for the first time, marveling at her reflection in the mirror (although her eyeliner game could have been better).

If she ever has kids, she’ll accept them no matter what. All the confusion is worth having your child see you as a pillar of support instead of the enemy.

3 – Living Authentically, No Matter Where

Our next correspondent’s story isn’t as heartwarming, but it’s still valuable to hear. She grew up in a conservative household in a small town where trans people were seen as anomalies. Naturally, she spent her early years hiding her true identity, even from those closest to her.

Things changed when she went off to college, to a big city that granted her anonymity. She found a queer organization full of other people just like her, and promptly adjusted her gender expression. It was electrifying. Then, it came time to go back home for Christmas.

Every Christmas, year in and year out, she would put on the clothes, mannerisms, the mask of her former, uncomfortable self. She remembers avoiding mirrors and dodging awkward questions about her voice, dreading each family holiday that came.

Then one year, she finally went as herself. She was already deep in transition and could no longer hide it; what was more, she didn’t want to hide it. The reactions weren’t great, but the drama was worth staying true to herself. She tossed out her ‘mask clothes,’ which felt like coming back home in and of itself.

woman taking food supplement

4 – The Mind-Body Alignment Is Euphoric

Transitioning changes your outward appearance to match your internal identity. Trans women spend so much time and money on procedures, hormones, and emotional battles to finally arrive at that stage. It’s that crucial moment when everything finally fits that our next correspondent wanted to share.

She’d been in the process of transitioning for a while. Most of her loved ones knew who she was, and she felt comfortable around them. So, she decided to attend a party looking like the extravagant woman she was. She put on the outfit that made her feel her most feminine and went.

She felt anxious about her decision. Even as everyone was giving her compliments, she found herself fixing her dress and makeup. Then, she had a drink or two and let go. By the end of the night, she was taking pictures with her friends, laughing like she hadn’t a care in the world.

When she woke up the next morning, she saw the pics in a group chat. She looked … amazing. She looked like herself, and something clicked. She never again purposefully tried to look vague and androgynous for fear of not passing.

5 – Mastering Femininity Takes Time

smiling thai transgender

For many people, transitioning is a process with a set end goal. They go on thinking, once I have this procedure, once I do voice training, then I’ll feel like a woman. Then I’ll be happy.

However (as any cis woman will confirm), struggles with body image don’t end until you accept yourself for who you are.

That’s what our final correspondent had to say. Her chest finally looked plump, but she put on several extra pounds in the process. She wanted to lose weight while maintaining her breast size, falling victim to the strict beauty standards imposed upon all women.

That’s when it hit her. Wanting to master femininity is a part of womanhood.

She wants women to know—cis and trans alike—that you should fall in love with the process. The perfect body, face, and aesthetic come with time. Learning to value yourself, even if you don’t look like your idealized version of a woman, is being a woman.

Finding Happiness in Your Identity

In the end, these stories display the variety of challenges and little joys found in an MTF transition journey. They share a common thread, though.

All accounts speak of the value found in living as your authentic self. No matter the situation, finding your true identity is worth the trouble faced along the way.

Do you have a story you want to share? Feel free to contact us and join our community.

Let our products help you achieve a body that feels like home. Stay tuned for more educational, inspiring resources.

About Bust Bunny

Bust Bunny is a family-owned business that roots its company values in scientific discovery and customer satisfaction. It wouldn’t be possible without Shawn, a BioChem major with an equal love for science and entrepreneurship.

We all learn from him every day, especially from his ability to really listen to shoppers. He’s the one who noticed Kathy, a customer who re-ordered every three months without fail.

breast enhancement supplement bottle

He thought we must be doing something right, so he continued reading reviews. Hundreds and hundreds of good and bad reviews, teaching him what worked and what didn’t.

That’s how we reached a point of predominantly positive feedback. Everything we sell now is all-vegetable, non-GMO, and free of fillers and additives. The products are manufactured in FDA-compliant facilities in the US, optimized to deliver nothing but excellence.

After one week of using the pills…
“After one week of using the pills I can feel some weight in my breasts and my skin has cleared up a lot.”
Marie Garcia, US

At first, Shawn wanted to focus on products, not sales, but we eventually realized that Amazon wouldn’t cut it for a good customer experience. We needed a safe space, and thus, Bust Bunny was born in 2017.

That was the first few years of producing our Breast Enhancement supplement. As you know by now, we haven’t stopped there.

Shawn’s mother is a type-2 diabetic, suffering from recurring night sweats, anxiety, and moodiness. Her issues are hormonal, so Shawn went back to the lab to develop something to help his mom—and countless other women who feel the same.

Voila, the Hormonal Balance supplement came to be.

We’ve continued listening and improving since, and we’re excited to witness every future step.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I want to transition?

The desire to transition is a deeply individual experience.

Trans people tend to find themselves drawn to or wanting to experiment with another gender. However, the clear signs of this desire vary in type, intensity, and age.

It’s best to consult experts every step of the way. Play around with expression, test what feels right, and only take further action when you feel comfortable.

How do you start transitioning?

Transitioning is a personal process, and its steps vary with the individual. Most folks start with social steps to see what feels right before pursuing medical processes.

Social transitioning might include:

  • Coming out to loved ones
  • Adjusting your clothes, hair, and makeup
  • Changing your name and pronouns

You might also use hormone therapy and natural supplements before undergoing any major medical procedures.

Excellent Product!
“I am a transgender girl and it has been helping nicely! My breast buds came in about a month after taking it.”
Anonymous, US

Can you do an MTF transition without medical procedures?

Many trans women opt out of medical procedures. They rely on hormones or clothing choices to make their bodies match their internal self-perception.

Consult with your physician about estrogen hormone therapy and natural alternatives. Try our supplements to assist you in your journey and make your body feel like home.

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