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How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?
Jan 21, 20229 min read
Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that are essential in maintaining female sexual and reproductive health. As women approach menopause, the levels of the two hormones start dipping, causing a range of uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms. These symptoms may…
Are Transgender Hormones Safe?
Nov 7, 20188 min read
When talking about hormone replacement therapy for transgenders I believe there is a big part that is being left out for people going through the transition. Luckily for me, I got the opportunity to talk with a woman who chose…
How to Increase Male Breast Naturally
Oct 29, 20188 min read
Some men naturally grow larger breasts due to a medical condition called gynecomastia, but there are men out there who are not capable of growing their breasts and are searching for ways. For the men looking for ways to accomplish male breast growth, you’re in luck. Once upon a time, there were only surgical routes [...]
Male to Female Transition: How Natural Breast Enhancement Can Help
Mar 7, 20189 min read
Transitioning from male to female is a process that sometimes comes with the wrong information given. We want to help make this journey as easy as possible for you so we're here to provide all of the information you may need to help you on this path. For trans women, one of the most time-consuming [...]