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Sure, you’re probably on this site to wonder how you can naturally make your breasts larger. That’s all well and good, but it’s fruitless if you don’t take care of yourself to help prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a serious disease and all women should constantly be aware of the things they can do to prevent it.

natural remedies for breast cancer

There are the extreme preventative measures, like Angelina Jolie’s preventative double-mastectomy, and the more natural—like feeding your body the right nutrients which will, naturally, reduce the overall risk of breast cancer.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Let’s discuss some easy, definitely achievable things every woman can do to prevent breast cancer.

Remember to consult with your doctor before any drastic changes in your lifestyle or diet!

Eat High-Quality Foods Like Leafy Greens and Olive Oil, Every Day!

The best preventative measure against any type of cancer is to watch what you ingest into your body.

Fast and processed foods have, unsurprisingly, been linked to causing breast cancer. The unnatural preservatives and unhealthy ingredients wreaks havoc on any part of your body, let alone your breasts.

There’s no harm in eating healthy! Your body will thank you for it and not only will you reduce your risk of breast cancer, but your body and breasts will look and feel healthier as a result!

Tying into that, replace all the oil you can in your cooking with olive oil. Studies have shown the effects of olive oil in preventing breast cancer. The evidence is overwhelming!

Stay Away From Excess Sugars!

Sugar is delicious. But too much of it can cause a laundry list of health concerns including breast cancer.

Why? holistic treatment for breast cancer

Sugar leads to insulin spikes in your body. Insulin triggers the storage of fat which can increase your estrogen levels in places you don’t want.

This can be a massive issue for women who are already predisposed to estrogen receptor positive breast cancers.


Sleep, sleep, and more sleep! It’s no secret that most of us lack the sleep our bodies desperately need to recharge.

With a lack of sleep comes many other health concerns including stress.

Stress is such a bad word that I would argue we make it a ceremonial four-letter word!

Anyways, increases in stress and insufficient sleep impairs your body’s immune cycles like detoxification. Without properly detoxifying, those toxins stick around and can eventually lead to breast cancer!

Please make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per day! Your body, and your breasts, will thank you for it!

Besides sleep, one of the best stress reducers is….


Exercise fixes most problems. It reduces stress, pain, weight, etc. allowing an overall healthier lifestyle.

Exercise helps with most of what has been already listed. It will reduce your weight, help with your insulin levels, and will even improve how well you sleep!

prevention of breast cancer

If you do only one thing from this list—make it exercise!

Plus, exercise gives the added bonus of making your breasts appear larger and healthier!

What Are the Best Foods to Prevent Breast Cancer

Unfortunately, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that by 2020, one in every eight women will run the risk of developing breast cancer at least once in their lifetime.

Therefore regular checks and doctor’s visits are necessary, but, as mentioned above, one of the best things you can do to help prevent breast cancer is to eat healthy!

Here are some of the best foods you can eat to help fight against breast cancer:

  • Garlic – garlic and its cousins (onions, leeks, chives, etc.) contain an abundance of allium, a cancer-fighting compound.
  • Pomegranate – pomegranates contain polyphenol, an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer growth.
  • Green, Leafy Vegetables – fiber, phytochemicals ,and chlorophyll are just a few of the cancer-fighting nutrients in greens
  • Salmon – chalk-full of breast cancer-fighting omega-3s.
  • Broccoli – rich in sulforaphane and indoles, which help to regulate the growth of healthy cells.
  • Green Tea
  • Berries
  • Turmeric
  • Peppers
  • Brazil Nuts – an outlier on the list, brazil nuts contain selenium, fibre, and phytochemicals which reduce inflammation and improve the immune system. This helps to prevent tumor growth.

herb for breast cancer

It’s beyond best practice to start eating healthy as early as possible. Breast cancer is less common in your 30s, but gets exponentially more aggressive in older women.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) 95 percent of breast cancer deaths occurred in women 40 or older.

Start eating healthy as soon as possible. Supplement your diet with all natural supplements, like Bust Bunny, which help the muscles, tissues, glands, etc. in your breasts become healthier and happier (and larger!).

Say No to These Foods:

  • Alcohol – even moderate drinking can up the risk of breast cancer
  • “Vending Machine Snacks” – your cookies, chips, sodas, etc.
  • Red Meat
  • Trans-fats


Don’t be one of the nearly quarter-of-a-million women diagnosed with breast cancer per year. You can fight back.

Healthy breasts are key to a woman’s confidence and allure. Follow the steps above and you’ll not only have healthier, firmer, larger breasts, but you’ll also significantly reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Let Bust Bunny help! Its unique blend of natural ingredients supports healthy breasts with the added benefit of helping to prevent breast cancer. Give it a try for yourself today using coupon code “preventbcancer” for 10% off or CLICK HERE to have your coupon instantly applied.

So, remember to drink less, sleep more, eat better, and take Bust Bunny—your breasts will thank you!

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