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When it comes to our health, we know that we do not get the full source of essential vitamins we need from our foods.  Which is why we must take action on being sure we get the proper intake on supplements.  As women, our breasts are an important part of our body that we lack in taking care of.  Although there is a huge list of vitamins for women, it also begins at taking care of your entire body.  Making certain lifestyle changes is the only way you will get to fully reap the benefits of specific womens vitamins.  These supplements are great for not only potentially decreasing the risk of breast cancer, but the overall health of your breast tissue and appearance!  Keep in mind, it’s not always about what foods, vitamins, and lifestyle hacks you should be doing but which ones you should be avoiding too. We understand how overwhelming choosing the right supplements can be, which is why we put together a list of top supplements women should be taking.  Each of these supplements come with different advantages, some are more suited for the ultimate goal of your breast health and some are best for covering all grounds of your body.  Being sure that your breasts are healthy should be a top priority for women, take a look at what we rounded up.

What Vitamins Should Women Take?

Folic Acid 

You may know this one most commonly as vitamin B9 which supports brain health including memory and contributing to helping one’s mood.  Folic Acid is not just aimed for breast health, but the overall health of your body.  One of the major reasons women take folic acid is for the health of their current or future pregnancies.  This is easily one of the best organic vitamins on the market for women.  It helps to support health in your body and your baby’s growth and development.  According to NutritionNews the dosages are different for a woman who is pregnant versus a woman who is not. most important vitamins See the proper dosages of this multivitamin for women below:
  • Most women should take a multivitamin that contains 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day before they get pregnant.
  • During pregnancy, women need 600 mcg.
  • During breastfeeding, 500 mcg.
Each woman is different and each country is different as well.  This is strictly for women in the US. We advise you to consult with your doctor beforehand.


good vitamins for women This may seem very simple, but believe it or not Flaxseeds are one of the best sources of omega 3.  The best organic vitamins should include flax seeds in them to be considered as one of the “best supplements for women”.  Actually, we keep mentioning women, but men are just as equal when it comes to finding the best sources of supplements.  Flaxseeds are great for not only your heart but your brain as well.  There have been many research studies that prove flax seeds are a great source of fighting against diseases such as cancer, which includes breast cancer.  Be sure you are getting pure flaxseed rather than flaxseed oil.  This is the only way you will get the full benefits flaxseed has to offer.  Bust Bunny is one of the few natural herb supplements that includes flaxseed, reap the benefits Bust Bunny offers by starting your journey today for 10% off your first order using coupon code – “vitamins” or CLICK HERE to have it instantly applied. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Some of the best vitamins for energy include vitamin C.  Out of all of the vitamins I am going to mention, this is by far one of the most important vitamins!  Not only is vitamin C amazing when we are discussing breast health, but it is also great for your joints, bones, collagen, teeth and many more issues!  You’ll notice that when you are experiencing health conditions, vitamin C is the most requested vitamin.  If you are known to have a low immune system, this is one of the best vitamins women should take being that it helps fight against breast cancer. vitamins for energy Specific health conditions that Vitamin C is known to treat are:
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  • cardiovascular disease
  • cataracts
  • glaucoma
  • high blood pressure
You can see the benefits of vitamin c are well over just your typical multivitamin for women, which is an even better reason to add vitamin c to your everyday routine.  You should take a supplement that includes vitamin c and simultaneously include these foods into your diet: strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, leafy greens, and cantaloupe.  Be sure you are taking the correct dosage for your daily intake.  See below:
  • men, 90 mg per day
  • women, 75 mg per day
  • pregnant women, 85 mg per day
  • breastfeeding women, 120 mg per day.

Vitamin D

One of the best vitamins for women over 50 is the very known and common, vitamin D.  Although this is important at any age and for any gender just as many vitamins are, it is most beneficial for women in their mid-life.  This is one of the few vitamins for women that actually works as a hormone helping to move calcium around in your bloodstream which is highly important for proper bone health.  Not only is this one of the best vitamins for your bones, but for preventing cancers in your body as well. breasts are healthy Some studies have proven that the proper source of Vitamin D can help reduce the progression of breast cancer and potentially prevent it all around.  It was proven that over 70% of women with breast cancer suffer from vitamin D deficiency.  When women take the proper dosage of vitamin D, it is said that the risk of breast cancer drops a significant amount of 30%.  As if that’s not enough of a reason to start adding vitamin D into your daily routine, it helps with menopausal symptoms as well.

Wild Yam 

If you’ve been to our site before, then you know this is a great ingredient for breast development and breast health.  Wild yam is not only wonderful for breast enlargement, but for a multitude of other reasons.  One of the best things about wild yam is the ability it has to potentially fight against breast cancer.  In America, wild yam is used most commonly in the form of a supplement.  In Japan, wild yam is used as a superfood for health. good vitamins for women When searching for good vitamins for women, be sure to include this one to your list!  Aside from this, many women include this as one their most important vitamins due to the fact that it helps regulate their hormones and symptoms of menopause.  There are many women who use wild yam as a form of HRT (hormone replacement therapy).  There have been no side effects thus far.

What Is One Of The Best Supplements For Women?

Bust Bunny supplements include a few of the ingredients above including some additional ingredients that were not mentioned.  Although we cater to breasts by helping the overall size, firmness and perkiness we cater to so much more!  The benefits that come out of taking our supplement are far more than just being sure that your breasts are healthy, but your body as a whole.  We have ingredients that have been proven for centuries in aiding in skin, hair, menopausal symptoms, pregnancies and heart issues. Bust Bunny includes your daily dose of these 13 essential ingredients: Vitamin C, Fennel Seed, Red Clover, Motherwort, Flaxseed, Chasteberry, Hops, Fenugreek, Wild Yam, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle and Watercress.  Three of which we listed above as some of the best vitamins for women.  Finding multiple ingredients in one capsule is the best suggestion to be sure that you are truly getting the proper dosage of what you need.  Taking 5-10 vitamins each day is not easy, which is why we created Bust Bunny and ranked as one of the best vitamins for women due to the multitude of benefits.  Start your journey with Bust Bunny today to be sure you are getting all of your benefits you need as a woman.  Here is 10% off using coupon code – “vitamins” or CLICK HERE to have it instantly applied. 
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