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Author Archives: Shawn A.

In How Many Days Does Fenugreek Increase Breast Size? 5 Testimonials

Fenugreek may increase your breast size

You may already know that fenugreek is a hormonally active herb you can take in the form of capsules, fenugreek tea, or tincture. Being hormonally active means that it contains phytoestrogens; compounds that work similarly to the female reproductive hormone estrogen. Therefore, taking fenugreek will perform the same functions as estrogen, such as regulating your

8 Authentic Breast Growth Herbs for Natural Results

authentic breast enhancement herbs featured image

Herbs like chaste berry, dong quai, and watercress have been used in folk medicine for centuries. The most common use for these herbs has been to improve female reproductive health and fertility. With modern science, it has become more apparent that these herbs contain healthy phytonutrients that also help to enhance breast health and size. 

MTF Transition Timeline: 3 Things You Should Know

MTF Transition Timeline

Your male-to-female (MTF) transition via hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an exciting journey. You’ll be amazed to see your body change as you become more comfortable in your skin. As delightful and rewarding as this process is, it often comes with concerns. One of those common concerns is what to expect at each point in

How to Understand a Menopause Hormone Levels Chart

understand menopause hormone levels chart featured image

You’ll know you’ve hit menopause once you stop having your period. Prior to menopause is a transition period (perimenopause) during which you experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as hot flashes and recurring night sweats. In most cases, menopause can be self-diagnosed. However, the most accurate indicator of menopause is your hormone levels chart. Getting

3 Plant-Derived Hormones for Natural Breast Growth

plant-derived hormones for natural breast growth featured image

Picture this. You’re well into your adult years or you’ve had multiple pregnancies. But, your breasts don’t tell this story. Instead, they look and feel full and perky. They build up your confidence and look just as you’ve always desired. How do you achieve this? Natural breast enhancement is your best route for getting the

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