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Author Archives: Shawn A.

2 Best Breast Explant Services in the USA

breast explant services

Are you thinking about having your breast implants removed? You’re not alone. Many women are opting for breast explant services for a variety of reasons. For instance, some women may dislike how their implants feel or look, especially if the procedure didn’t have the effect they were hoping for. Others may develop health-related problems from

Can You Be Trans and Non-Binary?

trans and non-binary

Transgender people have been in the spotlight of LGBTQ+ movements ever since Stonewall, but their acceptance is a more recent affair. We’re gaining deeper knowledge of this identity with each passing day, and medical fields are beginning to catch up. Non-binary identities are nothing new, either. Many cultures have a so-called ‘third gender’ or refuse

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

Hidden Costs of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a popular surgical procedure that individuals consider to enhance breast size and appearance. However, one of the most common questions that individuals have is, “How much does breast augmentation cost?“ The cost of breast augmentation can vary significantly depending on factors. In here, you’ll learn the: Is Breast Augmentation Worth It? Some

How Much Should You Expect to Pay for an MTF Transition

MTF Transition

You’ve probably seen the advertisements online for transitioning as an MTF and thought to yourself, “Can I afford that?” If you’re looking to transition from male to female, it’s important to know how much the process costs. The cost of transitioning as an MTF depends on different factors, including the approach you choose and the

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