Real Interview with Trans Woman Anonymous Customer of Bust Bunny:
Going through a transition using male to female hormones may work for you, but let’s be clear – it is not for everyone. In the interview I had with anonymous I asked a few questions as you may see below:Question: What is hrt?
“It is a hormone that helps the transition of mtf.”Question: Is hrt right for everyone?
“If you are a person who can tolerate the side effects then yes. As for me, I don’t trust or want to take a chance with the possible side effects. Mtf transition using hrt can cause side effects such as blood clots or even worse, cancer. At first I tried it and in the beginning, I liked it, but after a year of being on male to female hormones, I began to notice complications. I told my doctor I was experiencing side effects and I wasn’t liking the feeling of it, but never once did my doctor try to guide me into the natural route. Hrt compared to natural supplements are just terrible she says. The natural route should be talked about more because it is much safer with no harmful side effects. I feel as though doctors try to get people to go the route of taking hormones to make money. Really they should be suggesting natural methods first.”Question: Do you believe people who are in the process of transitioning are taking hrt because they are not aware of the other options out there?
“Yes. I believe that they are not aware of other products that are natural and safe. Hrt is all they know because it is the only thing that doctors and other people who have transitioned are educated on. They do not know about natural supplements and they depend on what doctors say. Natural supplements are underrated and not as known as they should be.”Question: How did your body change when you were on HRT?
“I actually didn’t experience any positive changes. I noticed that I was gaining weight and becoming moody. I will say that it helped make my hair longer. I was told by the doctor that in the first year I would get really big boobs, that never happened. Then the doctor would say that it may take up to 5 years, I knew I couldn’t wait that long. After putting me on hrt they prescribed a heart pill because when you’re on hrt you are at risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Blood clots are very common also and could be deathly.”Question: Are you personally taking any estrogen replacement therapy?
“No. After seeing and experiencing the horrible side effects I decided to stay strictly with Bust Bunny and go the all natural route. I want to give Bust Bunny the full potential and choose natural over harmful.”Question: How did you choose what form of estrogen to take?
“I look specifically into ingredients and the number one ingredient for me was fenugreek and then fennel. I am very familiar with both of those. When I found Bust Bunny I realized they were the only natural breast enhancement that included vitamin c. No one else has vitamin c in their product, which I love.”Question: Did you notice any changes when switching from taking estrogen and hrt to natural supplements?
“I noticed I was sleeping better and having much better moods. Before I was always moody.”Question: When did you begin seeing changes in your breasts with Bust Bunny?
“After one month I started seeing slight changes.”Q: What are common medications used for a transgender?
“Spironolactone, Estradiol, Progesterone. Sometimes they go on all three at the same time depending on their body.”Are estrogen pills for transgender dangerous?
After speaking with anonymous I decided to do some research of my own. Hearing first hand how harmful male to female hormones are made me want to bring more awareness to people out there who are beginning their process of transitioning. Before you begin the process and start taking potentially harmful mtf estrogen supplements you should be aware of a few things. Your doctor should be discussing your fertility decisions before starting hrt. Certain transgender hormones can interfere with any fertility plans you may have. You might want to look into freezing your sperm if you want biological children. The list of potential risks of using male to female hormones pills is rather long. Here a few of many:- Gallstones
- Weight gain
- Elevated liver function tests
- Type 2 diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Excessive prolactin in your blood (hyperprolactinemia)
- Decreased libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Infertility
- High potassium (hyperkalemia)
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Blood Clots
- Breast growth
- More fat, distributed around the hips creating curves
- Softer Skin